Core Values
Every single human being has a powerful imagination within themselves, and I want to encourage other’s to feel confident letting their inner child-like creativity emerge. Everyday, I commit to learning something from every experience that I immerse myself in, no matter the topic. If I am having trouble understanding a specific concept, I create a story, a visual way to learn about some of the toughest subjects. I enjoy bringing a vision to life for everyone to benefit from through creativity.
We can never ask too many questions! We are learning something new every second, expanding our perception on life. Each human has a life full of stories and experiences to share, and I am curious to talk with people around the world and find out what lights up their hearts. I personally commit to learning a new fact everyday to expand my knowledge and experiences.
I found that the most knowledgeable people that I know do not push their thoughts and opinions on others, rather they take the time to understand all points of view and find a common ground to help the world understand their perspective. I commit to properly and continually educating anyone and everyone about my passions while educating myself every day along the way.
I hold my faith close to me every minute of every day, making decisions rooted in my spirituality. I commit to setting an example for all that no matter their beliefs, I am here to support anyone wherever they are in their faith journey. Every day, I place my trust in God and continue to grow in my faith whether through volunteer events, personal reflection, or faith-based activities.
Honesty goes hand-in-hand with vulnerability: it’s the glue that holds relationships together. Without honesty, there is not trust. Building authentic trust is a core value that I hold as a leader, and I commit to telling the truth and taking action when barriers arise.